
Las minas del rey Salomón

Rider Haggard, Henry Tradução: Gómez Portugal Roberto
Literatura infantil: de 0 a 12 anos


Right from the very beginning of his existence on Earth as a superior species, man - a being who was not especially equipped for any given destiny - has tried to attain a way of living in which he can face up to the future that lies in store without fear. Dedicated expressly to both the young and old, King Solomon's Mines first appeared in 1885, and was to prove to be the quintessence of the adventure novel. Today it remains the most famous story of this genre. In spite of its sheer simplicity, the structure of this work constituted a magnificent discovery for its author, since he would repeat it in other novels he wrote, and indeed it would be imitated by numerous other writers. The main characters, in search of someone or something of great value to them, undertake a very dangerous journey to an unknown part of the globe where they come across a strange people; and after being exposed to a series of incredible dangers, the travellers return home triumphant. The object of their desire takes the form of something which is often a basic element of novels of this genre, namely treasure, or riches. In this case what is sought after is a treasure par excellence, no-one being able to imagine greater riches. The travellers are prepared to fight until they find it. The story is told in a simple, direct style. The truth is that simple things are always the ones that leave the greatest impression, and books are easier to understand if they are written in plain language. In fact it was this very author who once said: "A true story does not need to be adorned with elegant words, a sharp spear does not need to be polished."